Geauxpass Scam Toll Text Messages

Geauxpass Scam Toll Text Messages

GeauxPass, Louisiana's statewide toll system, would like to inform residents of a nationwide "smishing" scam. The scammers are using text messages like the one below to falsely represent a tolling agency and make false claims that a toll payment is due.

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A Geauxpass Scam Text

Geauxpass Scam Toll Text Message

The fake text messages direct recipients to an unaffiliated website, where they are asked to provide personal and financial information to settle alleged balances. GeauxPass will never ask for personal information via text.

Scammers will direct responses to a web address that has a hyphen in the address, such as or one that is misspelled by one letter, such as leaving out the "x" in GeauxPass and had a .net domain instead of .com.

INCORRECT: https//

INCORRECT: hxxps://

The correct website to access your GeauxPass account and contact the customer service team is:

Tips to avoid online scams include:

  1. Check domain names carefully and remember that scammers are hoping you don’t notice small changes
  2. Don't log in if anything seems suspicious
  3. Delete any scam text received
  4. If you clicked any link or provided your information, take efforts to secure your personal information and financial accounts
  5. When in doubt, call GeauxPass customer service

If you have any questions, contact GeauxPass Customer Service by emailing or calling 866-662-8987.

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Geauxpass Scam Toll Text Messages