It seems that the telephone number 8555543896 is being used or spoofed by scammers as an Apple support number. I got an "Apple Approval Notice" message that a $148 charge was made to my Apple account, but I do not have an Apple account. The message instructed me to call the fake Apple customer support number(855-554-3896) to help reverse the charge.
The Apple Approval Notice Scam
Apple Approval Notice
We have noticed that your Apple iCloud id was recently used at "APPLE STORE - CA" for $148.95, paid by Apple Pay Pre Authorization. Also some suspicious sign in request and apple pay activation request detected. That looks like suspicious to us. In order to maintain the security and privacy of your account we have placed those request on hold. Your Photos, Data, Bank Information and Cards are at risk. If NOT you? talk to an Apple Representative. Failing may lead to auto debit and charge will not be reversed. Call +18555543896 immediately to cancel this charge.
Billing Department :
Have a great day!
After doing some research, I found that the telephone is not associated with Apple. Therefore, if you are instructed to call to 855-554-3896, please do not. And, it is not recommended to follow instructions in text messages received from the same number.
Remember, Apple and other tech companies will never ask you for your account credentials and banking information. But, if you have already disclosed your banking information to someone who you were contacted via 8555543896, please contact your bank for help and change your passwords.
If you have any information about 855-554-3896, please share in a comment below.