If you receive a text message claiming you have an Ohio Turnpike toll payment due, please be aware that this is part of an ongoing nationwide texting scam. The Ohio Turnpike does NOT send text messages requesting payment for unpaid tolls. They will send up to three invoices by U.S. Mail to collect unpaid tolls.
The Ohio Turnpike Text Scam

The Toll Roads Notice of Toll Evasion: You have an unpaid toll bill on your account. To avoid late fees, pay within 12 hours or the late fees will be increased and reported to the DMV.
The link in the scam goes to hoops://www.ohioturnpiketolls.com or other similar website addresses ending with ".xin", which is a fake Ohio Turnpike website operated by scammers that steals or phish their victims' personal, financial information and use it fraudulently. The legitimate website is located at https://www.ohioturnpike.org/.
If you were tricked into disclosing your banking information, please contact your bank immediately for help, before it is used fraudulently by scammers.