Is a Scam Trader Joes Voucher, Gift Card, Coupon, and Discount Offerings

Is a Scam Trader Joes Voucher, Gift Card, Coupon, and Discount Offerings

The website is a fake Trader Joe's website that claims to offer coupons, discounts, or gift cards online. Trader Joe’s claims they only communicate with customers via their website at, and they will never ask customers to provide any personal or financial details in their communications.

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Trader Joe's Announcement

To Our Valued Customers:

It has been brought to our attention that organizations may be appropriating the Trader Joe's name in association with Coupon, Discount or Gift Card offerings online. Trader Joe's has NO association with these organizations. We do not offer any Trader Joe's coupons, discounts or gift cards online.

When alerted to the existence of misleading promotions of this nature, we actively attempt to get our name removed.

The only means we use to communicate with our customers online is via our website ( and our eNewsletter, which you will only receive if you have elected to hear from us via our "Newsletter Sign-up."

We protect the privacy of the information our customers share with us, and we will never ask for our customers to provide any personal or financial details in our communications.

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Is a Scam Trader Joes Voucher, Gift Card, Coupon, and Discount Offerings