202 Area Code Scams and Calls

202 Area Code Scams and Calls

I have been getting a lot of 202 scam calls over the past few days. It seems scammers are using special technology to spoof the actual phone number of a government agency or call from ZIP code (202 for Washington, D.C., for example). This can trick some people into thinking the caller is from a valid source.

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202 Area Code Scam Calls

202 Area Code Scam Calls

In government impersonation scams (also known as government imposter scams), callers pretend to be from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Social Security Administration, or Medicare. They threaten to arrest or deport the person who picks up the phone if they don’t pay their "unpaid taxes". Or, they may threaten to cut off Social Security or Medicare benefits unless the person provides personal details. This information can then be used to commit identity theft. Government imposters may demand prepaid debit cards, cash, or wire transfers as payment.

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202 Area Code Scams and Calls