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Hongpai Ltd CN Domain Name Registration Scam

Scammers are sending out fake Chinese domain name registration emails like the one below, which claims to be from Hongpai Ltd. The scammers claim an application for the recipients' ".cn" domain name has been made and are giving the recipients a chance to register the top-level domain name because it is important to their business.


But, all the scammers will do, is trick their potential victims into visiting a fake domain name registration website where they will trick them into signing up for a fake domain registration service. Not only will the victims be charges for a service that doesn't exist, but their credit card information will also be stolen.

The Hongpai Ltd CN Domain Name Registration Scam

From: Andrew Liu

(Please kindly forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If you believe this has been sent to you in error, please ignore it. Thanks)

Dear CEO,

We are the domain name registration service company in China. We received an application from Hongpai Ltd on August 18, 2024. They want to request "onlinethreatalerts" as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (,,, But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it's necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?

Best regards

Andrew Liu

General Manager

Name Registry

Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671

12F Kaike Building, No. 1801 Hongmei Road, Shanghai 200233, China

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