Trademark Smart Filing Scam Email

Trademark Smart Filing Scam Email

The "Trademark Smart Filing" email from Smart Vision Trademark at, is a scam. People are receiving thousands of these emails from different so-called companies.

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The Trademark Smart Filing Scam Email


Trust this correspondence finds you in good health.

This serves as our conclusive attempt to communicate with you regarding the formal registration of the business name "REDACTED" Failure to receive your confirmation for registration by the end of today will necessitate our progression with an alternative applicant by tomorrow, potentially resulting in the forfeiture of your entitlement to utilize the business name "REDACTED"

In adherence to our meticulous trademark registration procedures, we conduct comprehensive assessments on search engines and social media platforms to ascertain the distinctiveness of the brand name. Absent confirmation from the current user within the specified 24 to 48 business hours, we will proceed with the interested party's registration.

Trademark conflict constitutes a breach of civil laws, with potential repercussions involving court-ordered cessation of trademark usage. Furthermore, financial restitution may be mandated, encompassing the surrender of profits derived from the infringing use or payment of monetary damages. The penalties for trademark infringement may include injunctive relief or the issuance of a cease-and-desist directive.

Recognizing your historical utilization of the brand for an extended period, we acknowledge the possibility of exercising discretion in refraining from legal proceedings with the alternate party, particularly if they represent a startup entity. If your intention is to assert ownership of the business name "REDACTED," a swift response is imperative to facilitate guidance through the registration process.

Your immediate attention to this matter is appreciated, and we anticipate your expeditious response.

Thanks & regards,

James D Kleeger

Sr. Intellectual Property Attorney

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Trademark Smart Filing Scam Email