Graces Bags store located at is a fake. The company's website uses photos taken from actual Italian leather bag sellers and posts them on their site as if they are their products. The company has been traced with their IPs to both Ireland and Denmark. Nothing to do with China. However, it’s not clear where the bags are manufactured. They are certainly not leather. They are plastic. And they are counterfeit.
So, consumers, please complain to the FTC and to your state attorney General and show them the email with the headers and any other correspondence you have from the company. Include photos of whatever you received if possible. And, then return the items to the shipping address that’s on your original label, along with proof of the return, which you can then send to the Attorney General etc.
They are likely being distributed by warehouses in the US which means you can return it right back to wherever it was sent from as long as you have proof of the return.