Vladimir Okhotnikov: How One Libertarian Became a President

Vladimir Okhotnikov  How One Libertarian Became a President

Ask ten people what the Metaverse is, and each will have a different answer. And each answer will be correct in its own way, because today there is no true interpretation of this new world for us.

To me, the Metaverse is a concept that describes a virtual reality that goes beyond our understanding of the real world. It is more than just the world or the Universe we know. It may include various dimensions, alternative realities, or even forms of existence that we cannot yet imagine,” Vladimir Okhotnikov sees the Metaverse in his own way, in accordance with his own beliefs, experience and perception.

Vladimir is one of the first to encounter virtual reality technology, when most people had not yet paid attention to it. His unique ability to see the potential in new technologies and anticipate their impact on the future opened the door for him to the world of blockchain.

He is actively working on implementing his ideas, striving to create something unique and significant in the field of blockchain. His work and findings could fundamentally change the current field, and he prefers to keep the details secret for now in order to maintain a competitive advantage.

Vladimir Okhotnikov agreed to talk on the topic of Metaverses and future technologies in general. Let's find out whether a different reality will help defeat poverty and eradicate the rich.

A small country with big ambitions

If you haven't heard of Liberland, then nothing surprising. This is a small microstate that declared its independence in April 2015 in the territory between Croatia and Serbia.

The country's ideology is libertarian-oriented, which means protecting individual freedoms and supporting a free market economy. Liberland strives to create a unique space where limited government intervention is a priority.

Vit Jedlicka, a founder of Liberland, reflected the spirit of the American Revolution by combining republican, democratic and meritocratic principles.

We have created an innovative state, and it is managed through blockchain. All areas of activity, from the justice system to voting, including the right of veto, are available to every citizen. For example, you can actively participate in the distribution of the country's budget. You can see where, how much and why certain amounts are spent,” Jedlicka commented on a system that works and does not fail, and, moreover, performs the same functions as traditional states, but with a more modern and liberal approach.

In Liberland, taxes are voluntary and citizens are rewarded for paying them. This sounds like a utopia, but while others are talking about it, we are really making government processes transparent and efficient,” summed up the founder of Liberland.

Vladimir Okhotnikov: Vit Jedlicka is the first who decided to overcome poverty

The Metaverse, as a concept that combines various technologies, is a tool that can be used for various purposes. In this context, it does not in itself position itself as a solution to eradicate poverty or create a level playing field.

For the Metaverse to have an impact on poverty, equal access to technology is important to ensure social justice. Vit Jedlicka says, “If the possibilities provided by virtual reality are limited, it will reinforce existing social and economic inequalities. Without attention to social justice issues, the Metaverse will lead to a widening gap between rich and poor. Therefore, Liberland paid attention to access to technology so that virtual reality does not divide society into classes, but becomes a universal tool for social development.”

Liberland shows a completely different approach to organizing society. The fundamental difference is the use of meritocracy, where the merits of citizens are taken into account not only in voting, but also in the judicial system.

Merits accumulated by citizens can be exchanged or frozen as part of the staking system. This mechanism not only determines their influence, but also gives citizens the status of co-authors of justice. This becomes a kind of capital, reflecting the degree of individual involvement in social processes.

Abandoning mandatory taxation in favor of voluntary contributions is a really good idea. Citizens, contributing their money in this way demonstrate responsibility and interest in the well-being of the country. At the same time, the government focuses only on ensuring security and resolving diplomatic issues, which precisely fits into the ideals of Liberland.

Vit Jedlicka: Liberland is destroyed, but not broken

Liberland is a project that does not isolate citizens from participating in the life of the state, but rather encourages them to do so.

However, not everyone shares Vit Jedlicka’s desire to make the state the way it should really be. Against this backdrop, Croatian authorities invaded Liberland in mid-September. A group of police and forestry representatives confiscated the personal property of citizens.

As a result of the incident, all buildings were completely destroyed, including the security building in Liberland. Witnesses talk about the unacceptability of such treatment and complain that their personal belongings were illegally confiscated.

Representatives of Liberland appealed to the international community and the Croatian authorities to stop illegal actions against citizens, describing all this as “unnecessary violence.” They stressed that this violates their borders and sovereignty.

Despite this incident, Liberland plans to continue its path to an innovative future. Vit Jedlicka noted that the country intends to continue moving in the same direction, and also announced the launch of two new projects - the construction of a hotel and the creation of a huge Adventure Park in the very center of the country.


Regardless of the circumstances, one thing is clear: with the rise of the Metaverses, we are entering a new era where traditional ideas about work and the role of government are changing, and value is determined solely by skills transferred to virtual reality.

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Vladimir Okhotnikov: How One Libertarian Became a President