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Meta Security Team Scam Page Disabled on Facebook

The Meta Security Team scam message below is a scam. The fake message, which claims the recipients' Facebook page has been disabled, is being sent by scammers attempting to trick potential victims into clicking the link within it.


The Meta Security Team Scam

Your Page Has Been Disabled.

ILN.C. International Concepts has reported that your article:

1. Using someone else's fake name/photo.

2. Share content that misleads other users.

We've warned in the past that if you continue to post content on your Page that infringes someone else's intellectual property rights, your Page will be disabled.

lf you believe this is an error in our system, please verify your account at the link below.

Account Confirmation: hxxps://

Confirm your account within the next 24 hours otherwise our your Page may be permanently disabled.

Meta Security Team.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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