9300120111410471677883 USP Tracking Scam

9300120111410471677883 USP Tracking Scam

The tracking number 9300120111410471677883 is being used on fake USPS websites to trick potential victims into making payment for a so-called failed delivery. The scammers send a message or redirect potential victims to fake USPS websites where they will be asked to make payment for a failed delivery associated with 9300120111410471677883 that does not exist. And, if they attempt to make the fake payment, their information will be sent to the scammers, who will use it fraudulently.

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The 9300120111410471677883 USP Tracking Scam

9300120111410471677883 USP Tracking Scam

Delivery failed, addressee unknown tracking number 9300120111410471677883

Your item was delivered at 3:52 pm on August 8, 2023 in POST OFFICE DISTRIBUTION CENTER. But you are not at the shipping address or you don't have a safe place to store it temporarily.

If you were trick by this scam in disclosing your credit card information, please contact your bank for help.

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9300120111410471677883 USP Tracking Scam