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Can You Hear Me Phone Scam - Are You There or Is this You?

"Can You Hear Me?", "Yes Scam", "Are you there?" or "Is this you" is an alleged telephone scam that started occurring in the United States and Canada in 2017. . Reports of this scam and warnings to the public have continued into 2020 in the US. There have also been several reports of the same kind of incidents happening in Europe.


How the Scam Works

The details of this scam vary, but it always begins with a call, usually from a telephone number that appears to be local. When the person answers the call, the scam artist tries to get the person to say “yes”—most often by asking, “Can you hear me?,” “Is this the lady of the house?,” or a similar question. By responding “yes,” people notify robo-callers that their number is an active telephone number that can be sold to other telemarketers for a higher price. This then leads to more unwanted calls.

In some cases, the caller may record the person saying “yes.” Scam artists may be able to use a recorded “yes” to claim that the person authorized charges to his or her credit card or account. How can scammers access your account? Some companies share their customers’ information with third‑party companies or allow third parties to charge customers’ accounts (called “cramming”) in exchange for payment. Scam artists may also obtain financial information from data breaches or leaks or through identity theft.

How to Protect Yourself

Whether the “Can you hear me?” calls are simply nuisance calls or something more sinister, there are steps you can take to avoid falling victim to phone scams.

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