dsgups Scam USPS Delivery and Tracking Website

dsgups Scam USPS Delivery and Tracking Website

The website, dsgups.com, is a fake United Parcel Service claiming to use this tracking number 93001109246000000113602978. Scammers operating the fake website re-use the USPS tracking number as proof that they have shipped items to their customers when they actually did not.

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About dsgups.com Fake USPS Website

dsgups.com fake United Parcel Service Website

How the Scam Works

Scammers can ship cheap items via USPS to themselves. When they collect the item, they retain the tracking number and send it to their customers in the same area. When the customer who paid for an item complains that they have not receive it and open a dispute with PayPal or other payment processors, they send them the used tracking number, which shows an item was delivered.

When someone uses the USPS tracking website to search for a tracking number, it shows the item or package has been delivered to an area, but it does not show the exact address, due to privacy concerns. This makes it virtually impossible to know for sure whether the customer actually received his/her item.

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dsgups Scam USPS Delivery and Tracking Website