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Unions Refund Scam 855-685-3101 and 855-977-1975

The telephone call below from a so-called Kenneth at "Union Refunds", asking potential victims to call back 855-685-3101 or 855-977-1975, is a scam. The call came from 430-270-9236, a telephone number in Whitesboro, Texas. If you receive the same call, please do not disclose your personal or financial information, hang up, and do not call back the telephone number they ask you to call.


The Unions Refund Scam Telephone Call (Transcript)

Hi this is Kenneth City unions refund phone number is [remove] again phone number [remove] we still see here that your business should be entitled to retroactive we claim the W2 employees you had on payroll during 2020 2021 if you have a few minutes we can update you with the total refund amount going back to your business as well as the time frame you would be receiving

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