The Google Album Archive email (see below) is not a scam. Google has started sending emails to the users of Album Archive informing them they will be shutting down the service on July 19, 2023. Photos and videos in Google Album Archive will no longer be available after July 19, 2023. Until then, you can use Takeout to download a copy of your Album Archive data. If you're using a Google Workspace account, your organization's administrator controls who uses Google Takeout.
The Album Archive Google Email
You’re receiving this email because you’ve viewed Album Archive recently or you may have some content that is visible in Album Archive. Starting on July 19, 2023, Album Archive will no longer be available. We recommend that you use Google Takeout to download a copy of your Album Archive data before then.
Today, Album Archive lets you view and manage album content from some Google products within Album Archive.
However, some content that’s only available in Album Archive will be deleted starting July 19 including
1.Rare cases like small thumbnail photos and album comments or likes
2.Some Google Hangouts data from Album Archive
3.Background images uploaded in the Gmail theme picker prior to 2018
If you would like to access this data, please make a copy of this data using Google Takeout. After Album Archive is no longer available, you can still use those Google products to view and manage some content directly – learn more.
Thank you,
Your Album Archive Team
To learn more, click the following link: