I keep receiving text messages like the one below with a link to attwrls.com. But, the website has no homepage, it is blank. Whois results for attwrls.com do not tell who the domain owner is because the contact details are private. If anyone knows anything about attwrls.com, please share in a comment below.
The attwrls.com Text Message

Here is another text:
Hi Kevin, It's AT&T! Staying connected just got easier. We built a new cell tower on Meridian Rd Swc Of Avenue Of Africa in Flushing a few weeks ago. That means more time to do the things you love in more places. Learn more about the network here hxxp://mynetwork.attwrls.com/cFLDlP0
Subdomains of attwrls.com:
- hbomax.attwrls.com
- details.attwrls.com
- mynetwork.attwrls.com
- qualtrics.attwrls.com
- myprepaid.attwrls.com
- getstarted.attwrls.com