Is Sunrise Debt Collector a Scam? Keep Receiving Calls

Is Sunrise Debt Collector a Scam? Keep Receiving Calls

If you have been getting phone calls from Sunrise debt collectors, they are probably pursuing you for an old debt. Sunrise Credit Services is a legitimate debt collector and not a scam. Old creditors, such as AT&T or a big bank creditor, hire it to collect debt payments from you. It can also purchase a debt to profit off your payments. Either way, it’s legal for it to collect the debt once it opens a collection account on your credit report.

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This entry can destroy your credit score and negatively impact future financial decisions. Having a collection account on your credit report is extraordinarily damaging and will impact your score for up to seven years if you don't remove it. The only way to get your credit score back on track is to remove the collection entry as soon as you can.

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Is Sunrise Debt Collector a Scam? Keep Receiving Calls