Cotopaxi Gear Store Scam and Warehouse Sale

Cotopaxi Gear Store Scam and Warehouse Sale

Cotopaxi Gear Store located at is a fake and scam online store. Therefore, online shoppers run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods or nothing at all from the same store. Online users who shopped at the fake store are asked to contact their bank or financial institution to cancel their transactions and refund their money.

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The Fake Cotopaxi Gear Store

Cotopaxi Gear Store at

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Jul. 20, 2023 at 3:01 PM by
Cotopaxi Gear Store Scam and Warehouse Sale
an anonymous user from: Allegheny, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

I was scammed, ordered 84$ of stuff and never received it, phone number was " says unavailable" Ordered stuff from instagram on 5/5/23. I should have know but picture of the store front looked real, merchandise looked legit. I am disputing the payment with my credit card.


Jun. 5, 2023 at 5:23 PM by
Cotopaxi Gear Store Scam and Warehouse Sale
an anonymous user from: Aurora, Colorado, United States

I was scammed by this online store through Instagram. Don’t believe it when the prices are that low! I’m so p****d. Apparently they live an hour from me and I really want to find them and go to their house.


Jun. 8, 2023 at 8:07 AM by
Cotopaxi Gear Store Scam and Warehouse Sale
an anonymous user from: Crownsville, Maryland, United States

I was also scammed. Is there any way we can get our money back?


Jun. 8, 2023 at 9:15 AM by
Cotopaxi Gear Store Scam and Warehouse Sale

Open a dispute with your bank.


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Cotopaxi Gear Store Scam and Warehouse Sale