The Amazon Prime Help Support email scam below is being sent to potential victims by scammers. The aim of the scam is to frighten and trick recipients into clicking the link in it, which goes to a phishing website that steals account credentials, personal or financial information.
The Prime Help Support Email Scam

Reminder: your membership has ended - Please update your billing information. TRX#087-679890
Due to a problem with your card, we were unable to charge your account. your Prime Membership benefits are currently on hold.
If you not update your Payment Information in the next 24 hours, your Membership will be cancelled. To continue enjoy your Membership benefits, please update your payment information
Update Payment Information
If you were tircked by the Prime Help Support email scam into disclosing your Amazon account credentials, please change your password immediately or contact Amazon for help. If you disclosed your financial information, pelase contacat your bank for help.