Apple ID is one of the key elements to have for someone who uses Apple devices and software. The ID can be treated as login credentials that allow you to create an ecosystem between all Apple devices you own. It also comes in handy when you get a new smartphone, tablet, or MacBook and want to sync some of the data from the iCloud account or another source to make setting up a new device easier.
With that said, despite Apple putting a lot of effort into ensuring the safety of their users, there are still some instances when one's Apple ID gets hacked.
What Should You Do in Case the Hack Happens?
A hack can mean a few things:
- There is a possibility that you will be blackmailed
- Hackers might be able to track your location
- Your personal information might get exposed
- Hackers could make various purchases using your payment card if you have one set up with the Apple ID
As soon as you feel uncomfortable and believe that your ID has been compromised, you need to reset it. Go to reset password tab, and follow the instructions.
You will receive a new password which you will then have to apply to all devices and services that you use.
It might be worthwhile to consider changing the password on a regular basis as a precaution. Even if there are no risks of the login credentials being exposed, it is better to be safe than sorry.
Why Did Your Apple ID Get Hacked?
Knowing what to do in case of a hack is an important step. However, you should also be aware of the dangers that lead to the problem in the first place.
Taking the necessary precautions is also part of safety. Let's take a look at potential reasons behind one's Apple ID getting hacked.
#1 – Exposing Your Password
As a rule of thumb, you should never share your password with others, particularly when it comes to such important profiles as Apple ID.
Exposing your password accidentally opens doors for potential hackers who want to take advantage of the mishap.
Even if you trust a person and believe that sharing a password with them is okay, do not do it.
Also, to make things even safer, you should not use the same password for the Apple ID and another online account. If your login credentials get exposed, and you are using the same password for everything, it also means that you are in danger of getting your Apple ID hacked.
Finally, get in the habit of using complicated passwords rather than simple combinations. If you struggle to memorize them, store the information in a password manager.
#2 – Failing to Install Updates
Your devices and the software you use on these devices should be up to date. Missing the latest operating system version means missing the latest features and overall performance upgrades.
But more importantly, an outdated version is easier to breach for hackers because it has not been fortified with the new security updates.
As such, you should keep an eye on the available updates and get them whenever one becomes available.
Or, it would be even better to enable an auto-update feature if there is one. Doing so means that you are less likely to miss an update, which can be a difference-maker between keeping your device safe and exposing Apple ID to hackers.
#3 – Not Running Antivirus Software
Do not fall for the idea that Apple's smartphones, tablets, or MacBooks are not prone to malware. Sure, the security in place is great, but no device is completely secure.
Considering how advanced modern malware is, you should not risk it and still run antivirus software to avoid potential attacks.
#4 – Visiting Shady Websites
Suppose you notice a suspicious URL or end up on a landing page that is riddled with various banners and advertisements (despite running an ad block extension).
In that case, you are better off closing the browser tab as soon as possible.
Visiting a malicious website is enough to infect your device, and there is no telling what might happen to it. One of the possibilities is that your login credentials will become available to hackers, including Apple ID.
All in all, this article should give you an idea of what to expect when facing potential problems related to Apple ID. You should also know how to counter the danger and protect yourself from potential danger.