833-877-3105 Scam Text Messages or Calls - 8338773105

833-877-3105 Scam Text Messages or Calls - 8338773105

It appears scammers are sending text message scams to potential from 833-877-3105 or asking potential victims to call the same telephone number. Therefore, recipients of text messages from 833.877.3105 or messages asking them to call the same telephone number or others from an 833 area code, are asked not to do until they are verified.

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Apr. 27, 2023 at 1:18 PM by
833-877-3105 Scam Text Messages or Calls - 8338773105
an anonymous user from: Camarillo, California, United States

My name, Hi it’s sebah with the Financial Assistance Department. We tried reaching you at your home and did not hear back... I'm not sure if you’ve spoken to an assigned agent yet, but I do see that you’re pre-approved for our Hardship Program, so what I’m going to do is keep this in a pending status. Please give me a call between the hours of 10am and 8pm EST, so we can go over the details. My phone number is: 833‎.‎‎87‎7.3105, Thank you, sebah djucic - Financial Assistance Department ... a2FyaWUucm90aHNjaGlsZEBnbWFpbC5jb20=


Apr. 13, 2023 at 7:44 PM by
833-877-3105 Scam Text Messages or Calls - 8338773105
an anonymous user from: Crownsville, Maryland, United States

leija lawan <leijalawanz@hotmail.com>

Apr 12, 2023, 11:06 AM (1 day ago)

to me

[my first and last names], Hi it’s leija with the Financial Assistance Department. We tried reaching you at your home and did not hear back... I'm not sure if you’ve spoken to an assigned agent yet, but I do see that you’re pre-approved for our Hardship Program, so what I’m going to do is keep this in a pending status. Please give me a call between the hours of 10am and 8pm EST, so we can go over the details. You can reach me at: 833.‎877.‎3‎1‎05, Thank you, leija lawan - Financial A*sistance Department ...


Apr. 13, 2023 at 7:21 PM by
833-877-3105 Scam Text Messages or Calls - 8338773105
an anonymous user from: South Royalton, Vermont, United States


Hildegaard ElabbadI <palleomezim@hotmail.com>

HI it’s Hildegaard with the Financial Assistance Department. We tried reaching you at your home and did not hear back... I'm not sure if you’ve spoken to an a*signed agent yet, but I do see that you’re pre-approved for our Hardship Program, so what I’m going to do is keep this in a pending status. Please give me a call between the hours of 10am and 8pm EST, so we can go over the details. My phone number is: 833-877-‎3‎10‎‎5, Thank you, Hildegaard ElabbadI - Financial Assistance Department ...aGFsbC5hbGV4YW5kZXIuYUBnbWFpbC5jb20=

Ad­v­e­­­rti­­s­in­­­g ­­Se­­­rvi­ce­s­,­­ ­­P­O ­­­Box­ ­24­9­­ #572­­23,­ A­l­b­uq­­uer­q­u­e, N­M 87­­10­3­ ­..­­.­..­.­­.­.­­ ­­­­­W­e­ ­­a­­r­­e ­­­a­ m­a­r­k­­­e­t­­in­g­­ c­om­pa­n­­­y­. ­F­o­­­­r­ ­­­­c­­­­o­nt­ac­t ­­inf­­ormati­­­o­­­n, ­pl­e­ase ­­u­se­ ­­t­h­e­ te­leph­­­on­e­ ­num­­be­r­­­­ lis­te­­d ­a­­b­­ov­e­­.­ ­To ­r­e­m­ov­e your­­s­el­­­f ­f­r­o­m ou­r ­­l­­is­t ­of ­­m­­­ark­et­i­ng­­ ­c­­o­n­­tact­s ­Pl­­­e­ase­ ­p­aste­ the ­­­f­o­llow­­ing UR­L­ in­t­­­o­­ yo­u­r­­­ ­web­ ­br­­o­ws­­e­r­:­­ ­'­r­emo­­ve­-m­e-­n­­­ow­­.­­o­rg' ­a­nd ­t­h­­e­n­ ­a­dd­ y­­­o­u­r ­em­a­i­l. ­­'­­r­­em­­o­v­e­-m­­­e-­n­o­­w­.o­r­­g­'


Apr. 13, 2023 at 12:44 PM by
833-877-3105 Scam Text Messages or Calls - 8338773105
an anonymous user from: Palm Desert, California, United States


Gibbie Gauthier <laznikmollaih@hotmail.com>

HI it’s Gibbie with the Financial Assistance Department. We tried reaching you at your home and did not hear back... I'm not sure if you’ve spoken to an assigned agent yet, but I do see that you’re pre-approved for our Hardship Program, so what I’m going to do is keep this in a pending status. Please give me a call between the hours of 10am and 8pm EST, so we can go over the details. My phone number is: 833-877-‎‎‎3‎105, Thank you, Gibbie Gauthier - Financial Assistance Department ...bWF0dC5hLmZlZW5zdHJhQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ=


Apr. 13, 2023 at 10:18 AM by
833-877-3105 Scam Text Messages or Calls - 8338773105
an anonymous user from: Hicksville, New York, United States

Same message as above, same phone number. From someone named 'Floria Moody' (with a najdomuricep hotmail email address). What a load of baloney. These people are absolutely despicable.

"...with the Financial Assistance Department. We tried reaching you at your home and did not hear back... I'm not sure if you’ve spoken to an assigned agent yet, but I do see that you’re pre-approved for our Hardship Program, so what I’m going to do is keep this in a pending status. Please give me a call between the hours of 10am and 8pm EST, so we can go over the details. My phone number is: 833‎-877‎-‎310‎5, Thank you, Floria Moody - Financial Assistance Department ..."


Apr. 12, 2023 at 7:43 PM by
833-877-3105 Scam Text Messages or Calls - 8338773105
an anonymous user from: San Juan-Laventille, Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago

 it’s Pearce with the Financial Assistance Department. We tried reaching you at your home and did not hear back... I'm not sure if you’ve spoken to an assigned agent yet, but I do see that you’re pre-approved for our Hardship Program, so what I’m going to do is keep this in a pending status. Please give me a call between the hours of 10am and 8pm EST, so we can go over the details. My phone number is: 833‎-877‎-‎310‎5, Thank you, Pearce Kerry - Financial Assistance Department ...


Apr. 12, 2023 at 7:34 PM by
833-877-3105 Scam Text Messages or Calls - 8338773105
an anonymous user from: Sandy Springs, Georgia, United States

What a load of phishing c**p:

"HI it’s Charline with the Financial Assistance Department. We tried reaching you at your home and did not hear back... I'm not sure if you’ve spoken to an assigned agent yet, but I do see that you’re pre-approved for our Hardship Program, so what I’m going to do is keep this in a pending status. Please give me a call between the hours of 10am and 8pm EST, so we can go over the details. My phone number is: 833-‎87‎‎7‎-3105, Thank you, Charline Volk - Financial Assistance Department ...


Apr. 12, 2023 at 7:21 PM by
833-877-3105 Scam Text Messages or Calls - 8338773105
an anonymous user from: Redmond, Washington, United States

I received 2 emails from Augustine Too saying she’s with the financial dept - doesn’t specify what company! stating I am pre approved for hardship program and left #833 877 3105.

I blocked and deleted the first email - I just received another one saying the same thing.



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833-877-3105 Scam Text Messages or Calls - 8338773105