Is Ultron Power Saver a Scam? Review of the Energy Saving Device

Is Ultron Power Saver a Scam? Review of the Energy Saving Device

Ultron Power Saver is a scam like so many other so-called power-saving devices. It seems that the scammers just change the name of the device as soon as they have discovered it. There is no device on the market now that can save 90% on your electricity bills. If this was so, then every news media would be talking about his product, especially now, when we're being asked to cut our carbon footprint.

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About Ultron Power Saver

Ultron Power Saver

The so-called comments or reviews displayed on websites selling Ultron Power Saver are fakes. They are there to trick potential victims into buying a product that does not do as advertised. If you want to reduce your electricity usage or bill, see the tips below.

How to Reduce Electricity Usage

  • Appliances and electronics -- Purchase energy-efficient products and operate them efficiently. Use an advanced power strip to reduce "vampire loads"--electricity that is wasted when electronics are not in use.
  • Lighting -- Purchase energy-efficient products, operate them efficiently, and incorporate more daylighting into your home using energy-efficient windows and skylights.
  • Electric space heating and cooling -- Purchase energy-efficient electric systems and operate them efficiently. Incorporate passive solar design concepts into your home, which include using energy-efficient windows. Properly insulate and air seal your home. Select an energy-efficient heating system that doesn't use electricity.
  • Electric water heating -- Purchase an Energy Star heat pump water heater and operate it efficiently.
  • Reduce your “always-on” appliances. If your home has a smart meter and you can see your hourly consumption, then examine your consumption at 3AM. It should be significantly less than your use at 7pm. If it isn’t then you might have “vampire loads.”. Look for electronics that you don’t use (like VCRs!) or can switch off, or perhaps get rid of that extra refrigerator.
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Jul. 28, 2023 at 5:58 PM by
Is Ultron Power Saver a Scam? Review of the Energy Saving Device
an anonymous user from: Monroe, Louisiana, United States

Is it way and get my money back on my purchasing things I will go to my bank and I will have them dispute it is there any other way you can inform me to do this thank you


Mar. 27, 2023 at 10:43 PM by
Is Ultron Power Saver a Scam? Review of the Energy Saving Device
an anonymous user from: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

In your home, Power is like 99% efficient the only loss is heat generated in the wires from natural resistance.


Mar. 19, 2023 at 11:04 AM by
Is Ultron Power Saver a Scam? Review of the Energy Saving Device
an anonymous user from: Marysville, Washington, United States

Be a better review if you stated technically scientific facts over why this is a scam.


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Is Ultron Power Saver a Scam? Review of the Energy Saving Device