Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982

Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982

If you receive Financial Assistance Department emails like the one below asking you to call 833.890.2982, 833.877.3144, 833.877.2938, 833.877.3009, 833.877.1796, 833.877.1903, 833.877.1958, 833-877-1702, 833-616-0563, 833-286-8702, 833-714-6238, 833-528-2121, 833.652.2377, 855-536-2749, 855-816-4103, 855.931.6463, 833-674-2425, 85‎5-7‎8‎3-765‎8, 8‎55.6‎53.8686, 855-919-6396, 855.544.6425 or other telephone numbers, please do not call the telephone numbers. This appears to be a scam targeting people who are facing financial difficulties.

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GhA Financial Assistance Department Email Scam

A Financial Assistance Department Scam Email

I ‭‪am‭‪ r‭‪each‭‪ing‭‪‭‪ o‭‪u‭‪t‭‪ from‭‪ th‭‪‭‪‭‪e F‭‪‭‪inanci‭‪al‭‪ Assis‭‪tan‭‪c‭‪e ‭‪Depa‭‪r‭‪t‭‪me‭‪nt‭‪,‭‪ whe‭‪‭‪re‭‪ I ‭‪‭‪‭‪ha‭‪‭‪‭‪ve ‭‪been‭‪ as‭‪sig‭‪‭‪n‭‪e‭‪d‭‪ to‭‪ a‭‪‭‪ss‭‪is‭‪t ‭‪w‭‪i‭‪th ‭‪y‭‪o‭‪u‭‪r‭‪ r‭‪e‭‪c‭‪en‭‪‭‪t ap‭‪plicat‭‪ion ‭‪for ha‭‪r‭‪‭‪ds‭‪hip‭‪ a‭‪s‭‪s‭‪i‭‪‭‪st‭‪‭‪a‭‪nce. I‭‪ h‭‪av‭‪‭‪e ‭‪r‭‪e‭‪v‭‪ie‭‪w‭‪‭‪‭‪e‭‪d‭‪ yo‭‪ur‭‪ ‭‪a‭‪pplicat‭‪ion‭‪ ‭‪a‭‪n‭‪‭‪d‭‪ a‭‪m‭‪ pl‭‪e‭‪‭‪a‭‪se‭‪d‭‪‭‪ t‭‪‭‪o‭‪ ‭‪i‭‪nfo‭‪rm‭‪ ‭‪yo‭‪‭‪u t‭‪h‭‪‭‪at‭‪ ‭‪y‭‪o‭‪u‭‪ h‭‪ave ‭‪b‭‪e‭‪e‭‪n‭‪‭‪ ‭‪a‭‪ppro‭‪ved‭‪ ‭‪‭‪for‭‪ u‭‪‭‪p t‭‪o‭‪ $37,00‭‪0 in‭‪ fina‭‪‭‪‭‪‭‪ncia‭‪‭‪l su‭‪‭‪pport.‭‪ O‭‪ur prog‭‪r‭‪am‭‪ is d‭‪e‭‪sig‭‪n‭‪e‭‪d to pro‭‪‭‪v‭‪id‭‪‭‪e u‭‪ni‭‪qu‭‪e ‭‪o‭‪‭‪pp‭‪‭‪o‭‪r‭‪‭‪t‭‪u‭‪n‭‪‭‪i‭‪t‭‪ies‭‪‭‪‭‪ to‭‪ t‭‪h‭‪os‭‪e f‭‪a‭‪cing ‭‪f‭‪inancia‭‪l‭‪ d‭‪if‭‪‭‪‭‪fi‭‪cu‭‪ltie‭‪s,‭‪ and ‭‪I wou‭‪l‭‪d‭‪ ‭‪b‭‪‭‪e hon‭‪‭‪‭‪or‭‪‭‪e‭‪d t‭‪o assist y‭‪‭‪ou‭‪ ‭‪in e‭‪nrol‭‪‭‪l‭‪i‭‪‭‪‭‪ng.

‭‪‭‪‭‪To‭‪ t‭‪h‭‪a‭‪t ‭‪en‭‪d‭‪,‭‪‭‪ I w‭‪‭‪oul‭‪d li‭‪‭‪k‭‪e to‭‪ sc‭‪h‭‪e‭‪‭‪d‭‪u‭‪‭‪le‭‪ ‭‪‭‪a ‭‪c‭‪a‭‪ll to‭‪ dis‭‪‭‪‭‪cus‭‪‭‪s t‭‪he d‭‪e‭‪‭‪tail‭‪s‭‪‭‪ of t‭‪‭‪he‭‪‭‪ p‭‪‭‪r‭‪ogra‭‪m a‭‪‭‪‭‪n‭‪d‭‪‭‪ ‭‪answe‭‪r‭‪ ‭‪any‭‪‭‪ q‭‪uesti‭‪ons ‭‪‭‪‭‪y‭‪ou m‭‪‭‪a‭‪y ‭‪ha‭‪‭‪ve.‭‪‭‪ ‭‪I‭‪f‭‪ yo‭‪u‭‪ ‭‪a‭‪‭‪‭‪re‭‪ ‭‪av‭‪ai‭‪l‭‪abl‭‪e‭‪,‭‪‭‪ p‭‪lease ‭‪c‭‪‭‪al‭‪‭‪l m‭‪e‭‪ ‭‪b‭‪a‭‪c‭‪k ‭‪‭‪a‭‪‭‪t‭‪: 855 931 6463, to sc‭‪he‭‪dule ‭‪a ‭‪c‭‪on‭‪ve‭‪‭‪n‭‪‭‪i‭‪e‭‪nt ‭‪‭‪t‭‪‭‪ime‭‪ ‭‪f‭‪‭‪or ‭‪‭‪o‭‪‭‪u‭‪r‭‪‭‪ ‭‪‭‪c‭‪all. I ‭‪‭‪will‭‪ ‭‪b‭‪e ava‭‪‭‪‭‪‭‪il‭‪‭‪a‭‪ble‭‪ ‭‪‭‪d‭‪‭‪ur‭‪in‭‪g‭‪ ‭‪n‭‪o‭‪‭‪r‭‪m‭‪‭‪‭‪‭‪a‭‪‭‪l ‭‪b‭‪usines‭‪s ‭‪h‭‪o‭‪‭‪ur‭‪‭‪‭‪s, ‭‪9 ‭‪AM‭‪‭‪‭‪ to 6‭‪:00 ‭‪PM‭‪‭‪‭‪ ‭‪‭‪Pa‭‪c‭‪if‭‪ic T‭‪‭‪im‭‪‭‪e,‭‪‭‪ ‭‪a‭‪n‭‪d‭‪‭‪ w‭‪il‭‪l‭‪ ‭‪ma‭‪‭‪k‭‪e ‭‪eve‭‪r‭‪y ‭‪‭‪ef‭‪‭‪fort to ‭‪acc‭‪omm‭‪o‭‪date your‭‪‭‪ s‭‪c‭‪he‭‪du‭‪l‭‪‭‪e.

‪I ‭‪loo‭‪k‭‪‭‪ for‭‪‭‪ward‭‪ t‭‪o the‭‪ opp‭‪‭‪‭‪or‭‪t‭‪unity‭‪‭‪‭‪ t‭‪o sp‭‪ea‭‪k‭‪ with‭‪ y‭‪‭‪ou ‭‪so‭‪on‭‪ ‭‪and ‭‪h‭‪elp ‭‪‭‪you‭‪ t‭‪ake‭‪ adv‭‪a‭‪n‭‪‭‪tag‭‪‭‪e‭‪ of ‭‪this‭‪‭‪ ex‭‪c‭‪i‭‪t‭‪i‭‪n‭‪g op‭‪‭‪p‭‪o‭‪rtu‭‪‭‪nity‭‪. Tha‭‪nk‭‪‭‪ ‭‪you‭‪ f‭‪or‭‪ yo‭‪ur t‭‪ime‭‪ an‭‪d‭‪ ‭‪c‭‪‭‪onsi‭‪d‭‪‭‪‭‪er‭‪a‭‪ti‭‪o‭‪n‭‪.‭‪

Sinc‭‪e‭‪rel‭‪y‭‪‭‪,‭‪‭‪‭‪‭‪ Lin‭‪‭‪z‭‪y‭‪,‭‪‭‪‭‪ F‭‪‭‪i‭‪n‭‪anci‭‪‭‪al‭‪‭‪‭‪ ‭‪‭‪‭‪‭‪A‭‪ssi‭‪‭‪s‭‪ta‭‪‭‪n‭‪ce‭‪‭‪ ‭‪De‭‪‭‪pa‭‪‭‪rtment

If you have received a similar "Financial Assistance Department" scam email, please post the telephone number the call came from in a comment below. This will help inform others and prevent them from becoming potential victims.

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Jan 17, 2024 at 4:34 AM by
Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982
an anonymous user from: Ashburn, Virginia, United States

Received this:

"From: John Green (

Tahlia Fernandez, HI it’s John with the Hardship Relief Program. We tried reaching you at your home and did not hear back... I'm not sure if you’ve spoken to an assigned agent yet, but I do see that you’re pre-approved for our Hardship Program, so what I’m going to do is keep this in a pending status. Please give me a call between the hours of 10am and 9pm EST, so we can go over the details. My phone number is: (844-222-5619) Thank You, John Green"


Jan 17, 2024 at 4:31 AM by
Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982
an anonymous user from: Ashburn, Virginia, United States



Jul 26, 2023 at 8:35 PM by
Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982
an anonymous user from: Doylestown, Pennsylvania, United States



Jun 11, 2023 at 2:48 PM by
Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982
an anonymous user from: Chalandri, Attiki, Greece

Alana Morissette,

I am reaching out from the Financial Assistance Department, where I have been assigned to assist with your recent application for hardship assistance. I have reviewed your application and am pleased to inform you that you have been pre-approved for up to $37,000 in financial support.Our program is designed to provide unique opportunities to those facing financial difficulties, and I would be honored to assist you in enrolling. To that end, I would like to schedule a call to discuss the details of the program and answer any questions you may have. If you are available, please call back at: 855.‎‎‎‎‎942‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎.‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎35‎‎‎‎‎80, Thank You, Adoree Euripides


Jun 8, 2023 at 9:29 PM by
Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982
an anonymous user from: Seoul, South Korea

855-‎‎‎‎‎9‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎26-8‎‎‎‎‎66‎‎‎‎‎4, Elsy Bouliane


May 26, 2023 at 11:11 AM by
Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982
an anonymous user from: Newark, California, United States

Number: 85‎‎‎‎‎5-‎‎‎‎‎6‎‎‎‎‎0‎‎‎‎‎9‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎-0683

Email: Cyrillus Rands <>


May 24, 2023 at 5:57 PM by
Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982
an anonymous user from: Plattsburgh, New York, United States

8‎‎‎‎‎55‎‎‎‎‎.‎‎‎‎‎9‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎42.35‎‎‎‎‎80 was the number they gave me


May 24, 2023 at 8:37 PM by
Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982
an anonymous user from: Leavenworth, Washington, United States

Same deal


May 24, 2023 at 5:47 PM by
Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982
an anonymous user from: Budd, Illinois, United States

(855) 942-3580


May 24, 2023 at 4:17 PM by
Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982
an anonymous user from: Redmond, Washington, United States



May 24, 2023 at 3:54 PM by
Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982
an anonymous user from: Hicksville, New York, United States

(855) 942-3580


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Financial Assistance Department Scam Email - 833-890-2982