Is X7marketplace a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of

Is X7marketplace a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of

X7marketplace is scamming buyers. They’re selling counterfeit items and using a fake address and contact information to hide. It was brought to my attention by a friend of mine who was scammed by them. They sell cheap fake products from China. If you’re lucky you’ll receive a cheaply made imitation item but most of their victims just receive nothing. Buyers beware! This is another fraudulent website set up to steal money from victims looking for deals on popular products.

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X7marketplace Online Store

X7marketplace at

Phone: 302-469-3533

Address: 222 Demunbreun Street Nashville TN 37201

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Mar. 27, 2023 at 4:49 PM by
Is X7marketplace a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of
an anonymous user from: New York, New York, United States

This is a scam site that has a few other known fraud sites linked to them. X7marketplace is the typical fraud site using a fake address and fake reviews plus of course selling fake items “on sale”


Mar. 27, 2023 at 11:22 AM by
Is X7marketplace a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of
an anonymous user from: Miami, Florida, United States

SCAM store. They’re using a fake address. I called to verify this when I checked on their store. I was told no such business exists at the address they listed:

222 Demunbreun Street Nashville TN 37201 (They’ll probably change it to another fake address now)

You can call yourself and verify this company does not exist at that address and is 100% fraudulent: call 615-743-3090 and ask them if any company named X7Marketplace exists there.

This site also gives out a fake Delaware phone number they say is their contact number but have a phony Tennessee address. Do the math - this screams SCAM!


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Is X7marketplace a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of