Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro

Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro

Amazon Store Pro located at is a fake and scam online store. Therefore, online shoppers run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods or nothing at all from the same store. Online users who shopped at the fake store are asked to contact their bank or financial institution to cancel their transactions and refund their money.

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Amazon Store Pro Online Store

Amazon Store Pro at



Company Address: 146a Whitchurch Road, Cardiff, Wales, CF143NA

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May 18, 2023 at 1:39 PM by
Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro
an anonymous user from: Ashburn, Virginia, United States

BUY NOTHING FROM THIS COMPANY! THEY ARE LIARS AND TOTAL SCAMMERS. I bought a hanging wicker chair for $59. Weeks later they sent me a cheap nylon hammock. I contacted them to send it back and refund my order (or send the chair if it was a legit mistake - which I found out it was not). They said due to tariffs and customs fees (I suspect in China) they could not give me address to return but could give me 10 percent back and I could sell the hammock. Total BS answer. I argued with them and they eventually put the refund up to 30 percent (which I found out through more reading on the internet is the EXACT scam they ran on hundreds of other people, they are making some coin off this one). I offered to send it back for full refund but that is not what they want and not part of their scam. I am writing it all off and cancelled my credit card so they don't start putting fraudulent charges on it. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MONEY!


May 16, 2023 at 7:44 AM by
Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro
an anonymous user from: Maryville, Tennessee, United States

I ordered a chair and ottoman set - guess what I got? A freaking pair of sunglasses! They told me "we sent you wrong item" please keep - I didn't keep, I sent it back and filed a grievance with my bank!


May 9, 2023 at 4:29 PM by
Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro
an anonymous user from: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I ordered the double hanging wicker swinging chair and never received it. P****d me off. It was supposed to be a birthday present for my son in law!


Apr 30, 2023 at 6:01 PM by
Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro
an anonymous user from: Santa Clarita, California, United States

Fraud! They intentionally send wrong product then ask you to keep. No refund etc. They claim that shipping abroad can be covered so they won't send you a return label. They won't send you the correct product because it is "sold out." Sadly, it is under $100 so the credit card companies and bank likely eat the loss and these crooks continue to make money. I contested the charge and luckily my credit card/bank refunded me the money. I hope these scammers get caught.


Apr 29, 2023 at 7:19 AM by
Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro
an anonymous user from: Northford, Connecticut, United States

I am in the same boat, I ordered the chair to see what I would receive and received a purple spandex "hammock"! I'm screenshotting this and sending it to their customer service who I am arguing with currently.


Apr 26, 2023 at 4:49 PM by
Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro
an anonymous user from: Northford, Connecticut, United States

Yeah, when my wife told me what a great deal she got, I Googled the site and told her to get a new debit card and say goodbye to the great deal. We too got the hammock. Infuriated that the site exists and gets away with what they do by simply using the facade that it’s Amazon.

If Musk had any loyalty he’d spend the money to dig the roots out of that site, shut them down and put the theives in irons. Perfect scam. Prey on naive people in the name of Amazon. Pathetic


Apr 24, 2023 at 3:50 PM by
Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro
an anonymous user from: Coos Bay, Oregon, United States

I ordered these chairs as well and I am furious. Made it sound like coming from Amazon. Why is Amazon allowing this name out there to be used to scam people. Am ready to stop buying from Amazon as well as I see so much China merchandise now that it is concerning


Apr 21, 2023 at 11:51 AM by
Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro
an anonymous user from: Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada

I too received this kind of crappy hammock instead of the chair and they are calling this " a system error" and that the crappy hammock worh as much as. When you're asking for a refund, they answer with an offer of 10% refund and to keep the item cuz it's going to cost them too much to import the item back. When you're telling them that you want a full refund and that it's not your problem and that I dont have to pay for their error, they than offer you a 20% refund, which is the best they can do. No way...I called my cb issuer to cancel this.

And to the person saying that the next time he gonna use Paypal, we couln't pay with Paypal in theirs choice or I'd use it too.


Apr 20, 2023 at 6:45 AM by
Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro
an anonymous user from: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I too got scammed! Like most people received a hammock instead of the wicker chair and was offered a 10% refund! Unfortunately I used a debit card so unlikely to get anything back from my bank. In future I’m only using PayPal! How can we stop these scammers and who do we report them to?


Apr 18, 2023 at 9:27 PM by
Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro
an anonymous user from: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I ordered 3 Wicker Patio Swing Chairs and received what resembled a cloth hammock. How do I get a refund?


Apr 19, 2023 at 3:16 AM by
Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro

Open a dispute with your bank.


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Is Amazonstorepro is a Scam? Review of Amazon Store Pro