Is Juul Class Action Lawsuit a Scam? Settlement and Eligibility
Juul Class Action Lawsuit is not a scam. If you bought a JUUL product in the United States on or before December 7, 2022, you may be eligible to receive a payment from a $255 Million Settlement. The Lawsuit alleges that the Plaintiffs paid more for JUUL products than they would have paid if accurate information about JUUL products’ addictiveness and safety had been provided. The Lawsuit also alleges that JUUL products were unlawfully marketed to minors. The Court has not decided whether any Defendant violated any laws.
TorHoerman Law has filed lawsuits against Juul e-cigarettes. Juul Lawsuit claimants report seizures, lung damage & other serious injuries including strokes.
Many e-cigarette lawsuits also claim nicotine levels in vapes lead to addiction due to misleading branding and marketing efforts by electronic cigarette companies, suggesting that marketing campaigns were targeted towards minors and that companies failed to warn their products may be more addictive than traditional tobacco products.
JUUL Labs hasn’t admitted any wrongdoing but agreed to a $255 million class action settlement to resolve the false advertising claims.
Under the terms of the settlement, class members can receive a proportional cash payment based on the amount they paid for JUUL products. No payment estimates are available at this time.
Types of purchases will be weighted differently under the settlement. Youth purchase totals where the initial purchase was made by someone under the age of 18 will be multiplied by four when assigning settlement shares. Purchase totals where the initial purchase was made between 2015 and 2018 will be multiplied by two when assigning settlement shares. Purchase totals where the initial purchase was made between 2019 and 2022 will not be multiplied when assigning settlement shares.
Documentation is required for combined purchases of $300 or more. Payments are capped at $300 without proof of purchase.
The deadline for exclusion and objection is July 14, 2023.
The final approval hearing for the Juul settlement is scheduled for Aug. 9, 2023.
To receive settlement benefits, class members must submit a valid claim form by July 14, 2023.
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