Google Voice Code Scam and 6 Digit Code On Craigslist

Google Voice Code Scam and 6 Digit Code On Craigslist

Scammers on Craigslist are attempting to trick potential victims into sending them their Google account voice six digit code. If the scammers get hold of the 6 digit code, they will use it to generate a new Google voice account linked to the victims' account and telephone number. They will then use the account to call and target future potential victims.

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The Google Voice Code Scam - How it Works?

A scammer contacts a potential victim about an item for sale and says something like, “There are lots of scammers on Craigslist these days. I need to make sure you’re really who you say you are, so I just sent you a six-digit verification code on your phone. Text me the code to prove you’re a real person.”

If the potential victim sends the code, which was actually generated by Google, the scammer will use it and the potential victim's telephone number to set up a new Google Voice account. (They need a valid, working phone number to do this.) They’ll then use this new account that’s linked to the potential victim's phone number to call or text future scam victims.

To prevent being involved in this Google Code Voice scam, do not enter any six-digit codes on calls or texts from Google unless you are the one who initiated the process and requested your number to be used on your Google Voice account.

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Google Voice Code Scam and 6 Digit Code On Craigslist