Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes

Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes

The fake Costco Clearance Sale website below is just one of the many scam stores with the name "Costco Wholesale," claiming to sell electric bikes at ridiculously low prices. The scam stores are being used by scammers to lure potential victims to them, collect financial information from shoppers and use it fraudulently. Therefore, if you have made purchases from one of the same stores, contact your bank for help.

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A Costco Clearance Sale Scam Store

Costco Clearance Sale Scam Store - Costco Wholesale
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Nov. 6, 2024 at 5:24 PM by
Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes
an anonymous user from: Guadalupe County, Schertz, Texas, United States

Costco does NOT care or they would go after the scammers using their store name


May. 5, 2023 at 9:16 PM by
Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes
an anonymous user from: Sonora, California, United States

And that statement that you had mentioned you know in the red print saying we have received your comment question answer or review and it does take us a couple hours to process this and get back to you. That sounds like a scam too. And I do expect a payment back from you in my bank account to get out put it back


May. 5, 2023 at 9:12 PM by
Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes
an anonymous user from: Sonora, California, United States

I sure under stand. But if you knew it was a scam why why would a representative and make your company look bad, right. It really saddens me to think I was actually looking forward to riding it at least. And, people have to wait two hours to see TY he review out There. It sure didn't take to much time in excepting my money online. There's one thing that tics me more then a thief and and that's a liar. No wonder the world is in such a mess.


May. 5, 2023 at 9:01 PM by
Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes
an anonymous user from: Sonora, California, United States

I guess I should have really paid good attention to this. Because I did order two and I haven't received it yet and I can't find the confirmation order now I want to know how I'm going to get my money back. Signed Kimberly Brown


Apr. 30, 2023 at 8:42 PM by
Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes
an anonymous user from: Ashburn, Virginia, United States

Why does YouTube all scammy ads


Apr. 10, 2023 at 11:31 PM by
Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes
an anonymous user from: Phoenix, Arizona, United States

I would like to be able to be there to tell those pieces of no good bottom feeders,I hope they get what they deserve a 5 by 6 prison cell for the remainder of natural life for doing what they did to innocent people.GOOD RIDDENS. ROTT IN H**L.


Apr. 10, 2023 at 3:00 PM by
Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes
an anonymous user from: Irvine, California, United States

I'd like to know how these people blatantly seem to get away with kind of c**p, I really dont think its Costco or Samebike ( the bike in question), I would think both those companies would be out for blood after these guys, I just dont get it...all I know is if I tried something like that? Id be behind bars within a month...for real


Apr. 10, 2023 at 7:46 AM by
Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes
an anonymous user from: Doylestown, Pennsylvania, United States

I need to stop payment on my debit card



Apr. 10, 2023 at 8:40 AM by
Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes

Contact your bank for help.


Apr. 9, 2023 at 12:48 PM by
Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes
info and are Costco Wholesale scam stores.


Apr. 10, 2023 at 7:44 AM by
Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes
an anonymous user from: Doylestown, Pennsylvania, United States

I gave my debit card number information to purchase this electric bike.? What can I do to stop the sale.



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Costco Clearance Sale and Electric bikes