Is Ttobeto a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of

Is Ttobeto a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of

Ttobeto located at is a fake online store claiming to sell bags, dress and shoes. Therefore, online shoppers run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods or nothing at all from the same store. Online users who have shopped at the fake store are asked to contact their bank or financial institution to have their transactions cancelled and money refunded.

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Ttobeto Online Store

Ttobeto at

Company Name: Bin Estrella GmbH

Company Number:064110000

Company Address:Pallaswiesenstraβe 180,64293 Darmstadt’ Germany

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Apr 23, 2023 at 8:10 AM by
Is Ttobeto a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of
an anonymous user from: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Same as the above happened to me except the tracking numbers appeared to be legit until the actions appeared to be posted in advance of the supposed actual answer. When the website disappeared they actually responded to all my emails and promised an investigation and resolution to the issue until about 5 days after "delivery" at which time no response and the email addresses were no longer receiving and the emails were sent back.


Apr 4, 2023 at 4:19 PM by
Is Ttobeto a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of
an anonymous user from: Texarkana, Texas, United States

I found ClearanceWarehouse INC on Facebook and ordered two items a 20 piece cast iron set and a multifunctional sofa chair for $32.89 each and I have not received them yet and now I can't get to the site cause the store is closed what should I do cause I'm out the money I spent I'm on a fixed income


Mar 9, 2023 at 9:33 PM by
Is Ttobeto a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of
an anonymous user from: Greenwood, Wisconsin, United States

This puts a lot of advertisement on YouTube. Because they use a red star as logo and makes the page look like a Macy's clearance sale page, I purchased a chair. I did not pay enough attention and was not alerted that the payment site was

I received an email with title "Your order has been shipped" from ClearanceWarehouse INC <> 4 days later, with details including order number, tracking number and a tracking button. The email says the chair was shipped fast express (3-5 days). Clicking the tracking button led to a page that told me the chair was in China.

Another 3 days later, I went beck to click the tacking button in the email, it just gave me a blank page.


Mar 13, 2023 at 12:38 PM by
Is Ttobeto a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of
an anonymous user from: Redmond, Washington, United States

same here. usually I catch this kind of thing but I think the Macys part got me.


Mar 13, 2023 at 1:28 AM by
Is Ttobeto a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of
an anonymous user from: Woodburn, Oregon, United States

I experienced the same thing it comes up to a site for women's dresses and handbags and shoes and apparel for women. It is a total scam contact your bank to get a fraudulent investigation going luckily if you have a credit card it's a lot easier.


Mar 2, 2023 at 5:22 PM by
Is Ttobeto a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

I came across that site advertised on YOUTUBE, why don't they shut it down then, if it is fake?


Mar 2, 2023 at 4:47 PM by
Is Ttobeto a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of
an anonymous user from: Austin, Texas, United States

They are posing as Macy's. Macy's has nothing to do with them.


Mar 2, 2023 at 11:12 AM by
Is Ttobeto a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of
an anonymous user from: Biloxi, Mississippi, United States

BEWARE! This company is a scam. The company is from Great British. They hacked my account. No such sales they’re advertising to the public.


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Is Ttobeto a Scam or Legit Online Store? Review of