Secret Tools App websites like or , is one of the many scam websites that offer an App that claims people can earn big. The only problem is that those website are scams.
How Secret Top App Scam Works?
First, it used the deep-fake video of Salena Gomez in its ads on Instagram.
Second, the person 'James' nobody knows he is real.
Third, this site is soon going to shut down.
Fourth, a single page with a video is a characteristic found on scam websites.
Fifth, fake testimonials are used here.
James offers only 40 licenses that too at only $37.
We always say scammers use two emotions of humans. One is 'fear' and second is 'greed'. On secrets-tool website, greed is used by scammers to offer for just $37, using which people can earn thousands of dollars. We all want it to be real, but in reality, it is nothing but a scam.
Please, do not be fooled by those get-rich-quick schemes. If you see them, just ignore.