kacartapps.com Scam Online Stores and Email Addresses - Beware

kacartapps.com Scam Online Stores and Email Addresses - Beware

The website, kacartapps.com, is being used by fraudulent online stores. Therefore, online stores using email addresses like noreply@notice.kacartapps.com or notice.kacartapps.com should not be trusted. The fraudulent stores attract potential victims using ridiculously low prices on apparel, shoes, jewelry, and electronics.

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How kacartapps.com Scam Works

The scammers advertise the fake stores on social websites offering ridicuosly discounts on apparel, shoes, jewelry, and electronics. If visitors to the fake stores attempt to make purchases, their credit cards will be charged but they will never receive the item or they will receive counterfeit. In some cases, the scammers will send cheap items looking nothing like what they have purchased, in attempt to make it difficult for the victims to dispute with charges with their banks. This is because they will have proof the item was shipped and received. But, it it was never correct item.

I know people who purchased shoes, shirts and pants from the fake stores and have received pieces of cloth instead of the items they purchased.

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Jan. 29, 2024 at 2:34 AM by
kacartapps.com Scam Online Stores and Email Addresses - Beware
an anonymous user from: Houston, Texas, United States

Yep, they got me too. They were advertising on Facebook as “Big-Lots”. And they had Tide Laundry Detergent, 184 load for $4.99. The pods. I ordered several. They had a wicker porch swing, $6.95, sounded good! I ended up spending $51.00 on stuff. When I got my order confirmation in my email, I looked at the very fine print at the bottom of the email… it said mailto:support@biglosts-bigdeals.com

Notice it says biglosts! I’ll say! And then it said, ordered from kacartapps.com

So, I used my debit card and I’m trying to get my money back. I had to get a new debit card. But not before a video streaming service got me for $380. I have to fight the bank to get credited for over $430! What a nightmare!


Jan. 5, 2024 at 3:16 PM by
kacartapps.com Scam Online Stores and Email Addresses - Beware
an anonymous user from: Brandon, Florida, United States

I was scammed for a Nov 29/2023 Macy clearance. I bought a furniture on Nov 29 from kacartapps.com but I never received anything. I don't know how to report this to catch these scammers!


Dec. 26, 2023 at 11:26 AM by
kacartapps.com Scam Online Stores and Email Addresses - Beware
an anonymous user from: Camden, New Jersey, United States

I was scammed for a 2023 Macy clearance. I bought luggage sets on Nov 26 from kacartapps.com but I never received anything. I don't know how to report this to catch these scammers!


Dec. 20, 2023 at 7:47 PM by
kacartapps.com Scam Online Stores and Email Addresses - Beware
an anonymous user from: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

I was scammed for a 2023 Macy clearance. Ordered a human/pet bed $48.95. Scammed deducted my account kacartapps.com Never received item. 3 weeks later received cheap necklace from Indianapolis, In from warehouse by usps.


Dec. 23, 2023 at 10:30 AM by
kacartapps.com Scam Online Stores and Email Addresses - Beware
an anonymous user from: Lubbock, Texas, United States

Same but received no item! None. People like this make me sick!


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kacartapps.com Scam Online Stores and Email Addresses - Beware