Is December Cash 750 a Scam or Legit Survey-Based Website?

Is December Cash 750 a Scam or Legit Survey-Based Website?

I believe December Cash 750 located at, which talks about giving you $750, is a scam website. This type of scam is survey-based that appears to collect your data and sells it to vendors. The website lures potential victims to it by promising them $750 for completing simple deals.

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About December Cash 750 Website

December Cash 750 located at

I have created an account on Cash App 750 about 30 days ago. I worked hard to complete all tasks on the website and asked them to transfer the money to my PayPal account. I keep checking my PayPal account for more than 3 weeks, but the money they promised has not reached my account. I will keep checking my account but eventually will give up because this keeps stressing me out.

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Is December Cash 750 a Scam or Legit Survey-Based Website?