The Straight North text scam messages below are being sent by scammers. The messages, which claim CarerBuilder or LinkedIn is recommending a part-time job for a certain of days, are being used to trick potential victims into contacting the scammers. Therefore, if you have received the message, just delete it.
The Straight North Text Scam Messages
Hello. CareerBuilder is recommending a part-time job for €20-300 a day! My name is Lena Sullivan, and I'm a job promoter for Straight North. You only need to work 30-60 minutes a day for €800 for 5 days, €3,000 for 15 days and €6,000 for 30 days. The hours are up to you. If you are interested, answer "Yes" or "interested"
Hello. LinkedIn is recommending a part-time job for €20-300 a day! My name is Alice, and I'm a job promoter for Straight North. You only need to work 30-60 minutes a day for €800 for 5 days, €3,000 for 15 days and €6,000 for 30 days. The hours are up to you. If you are interested, answer "Yes" or "interested"