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Alert Technology Services Facebook Scam

The Alert Technology Services Facebook scam involves scammers posing as representatives of a company so-called Technology Manager Services and offering fake technical support services via Facebook. The scammers may reach out to you through private messages or by commenting on posts related to technology issues. They will claim they are able to fix your computer or device remotely for a fee. However, if you agree to their services and provide them with access to your device or personal information, they can potentially steal your data or infect your device with malware.


It's important to be cautious and skeptical of any unsolicited tech support offers on Facebook. Always verify the legitimacy of the company and never share personal information or grant remote access to unknown individuals. If you are unable to verify the authenticity of technical support of company, use a one in your area.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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