Online Threat Alerts (OTA)
An anti-cybercrime community alerting the public. Scam and Account Deactivated Notice

The website,, is a fake and scam Facebook Support website. The website is not associated with Facebook. It is a newly created website set up by scammers to steal Facebook account credentials, hijack accounts, and use them fraudulently. Scammers send the fake Facebook account deactivated message below with a link to the Facebook Support website.


The Scam Notice

Alert Technology Services

Dear Admin,

Your account will be deactivated as it, or its activities, do not comply with our terms of use. If you believe this deactivation Is In error, we can guide you through steps for verification. Please complete these steps promptly to prevent permanent deactivation of your account.

Your detailed guide can be found here: GHGmVJgu/hugwdxelKn8YJ.html

If you do not verify, our system will automatically lock your account, and you will be unable to use It further. Thank you for

helping us improve our services.

Terms of Use Team © 2023 Inc.

The aim of the Facebook Help Social scam notice is to frighten and trick potential victims into clicking the link in it. If the link is clicked, potential victims will be taken to the fake Facebook website. If they attempt to sign into the fake Facebook website, their account credentials will be sent to the scammers. The scammers will use the stolen credentials to hijack the accounts and use them fraudulently.

Therefore, if you have been tricked by the Facebook Help Social scam, please change your password. If the scammers were able to hijack your account by changing your password, please click the following for help to recover it:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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