Is Govzw at Scam or Legitimate Website?

Is Govzw at Scam or Legitimate Website?

Govzw located at is not a scam, it is legitimate. The website is owned and operated by Verizon. If you go to, you will be redirected to the My Verizon app in the Google Play store or Apple App store.

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Nov. 4, 2023 at 5:26 PM by
Is Govzw at Scam or Legitimate Website?
an anonymous user from: Atlanta, Georgia, United States maybe legit, but examine the URL carefully before clicking on it. My wife just got a message supposedly from Verizon to verify something, and there was a period in front of the address. Looked like this:

Depending on the font, that period at the beginning of the address may be difficult to spot.


Nov. 19, 2023 at 8:47 AM by
Is Govzw at Scam or Legitimate Website?
an anonymous user from: Washington, District of Columbia, United States

That dot is part of the address the way the font appears on my phone for the URL. I was on the phone with Verizon fraud department and read this post and told the person that he was not really from Verizon (which he was) and they then locked all of the phone lines on my account. Best thing to do if you are skeptical (as I was) is to go to your Verizon store and let them help you (which I did and they took care of unlocking phones).


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Is Govzw at Scam or Legitimate Website?