Is Yahoo Data Breach Settlement a Scam? Class Action Lawsuit

Is Yahoo Data Breach Settlement a Scam? Class Action Lawsuit

The Yahoo Data Breach Settlement is not a scam. But, scammers may send you Yahoo Data Breach Settlement email scams with links to a phishing website that steals personal and financial information. Therefore, if you need to submit a claim or need information, always go directly to the legitimate Yahoo Data Breach Settlement website at

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Yahoo Data Breach Settlement Website

Yahoo Data Breach Settlement Website

The Yahoo Data Breach Settlement - What is it?

A Class Action Settlement has been proposed in litigation against Yahoo! Inc. (“Yahoo”) and Aabaco Small Business, LLC (together, called “Defendants” in this notice), relating to data breaches (malicious actors got into system and personal data was taken) occurring in 2013 through 2016, as well as to data security intrusions (malicious actors got into system but no data appears to have been taken) occurring from, at least, January to April 2012 (collectively the “Data Breaches”). If you received a notice about the Data Breaches, or if you had a Yahoo account at any time between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2016, and are a resident of the United States or Israel, you are a “Settlement Class Member.”

Under the terms of the Settlement, Yahoo has enhanced, or, through its successor in interest, Oath Holdings Inc. (“Oath”), continues to enhance its business practices that will improve the security of its users’ personal information stored on its databases. Defendants will also pay for a Settlement Fund of $117,500,000.

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Is Yahoo Data Breach Settlement a Scam? Class Action Lawsuit