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Malwarebytes Scam Email Subscription Invoice and Telephone Number

There is a new Malwarebytes scam email subscription invoice being sent by cybercriminals. The email invoice scam claims an order has been made and a certain amount of money has been charged to the potential victim's credit card. It then list a fake Malwarebytes customer support phone number to call for any question. The aim of the scam is to trick and freighten potential victims into calling the scammers sending the fake email.


How the Malwarebytes Scam Works?

If the fake telephone number listed in the email scam is called, potential victims will get foreigners from a call center with an accent who will instruct them to send a form in order to cancel. They will then be given a URL for a remote access website to type in your web browser's address bar. Once on the website, the scammers will ask for a code displayed on the same website to take control their potential victims' computers. Once they have remote access, they will steal account credentials, personal or financial information that they will use fraudulently.

Remember, Malwarebytes will never ask you to given them remote access to your computer. And, it is recommended that you go directly to their website at for their contact information, instead of calling a fake customer support telephone number listed in an email.

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