Venmo Customer Service Scam Calls and Voicemail

Venmo Customer Service Scam Calls and Voicemail

There is a new Venmo scam that I almost fell for. I got a call that appeared to be from Venmo customer service alerting me to potential fraudulent charges on my account and to press 1. I hung up and googled the telephone number calling me and found out it was identical to the Venmo customer service number.

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In the time it took me to Google they called me back 3 more times. In total they called me over 30 times yesterday. The only reason I didn't fall for the scam is because a business wouldn't call back to back like that.

I used the customer service chat available through the Venmo app and they informed me it was indeed a scam and that scammers are able to disguise their phone numbers and email addresses to look like ones associated with Venmo.

I'm sure if you do press 1 as they request they would ask you to confirm your account details or something to collect enough info to drain your bank account. Just wanted to spread the word, I think I'm usually on top of these scammers but seeing the actual Venmo # calling really confused me and I almost fell for the trap. Stay safe out there and protect that bread!

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Venmo Customer Service Scam Calls and Voicemail