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What if you do not take Lei?

The Global LEI System (GLEIS) is the first global database to provide unique identifying information for legal entities participating in financial transactions around the world. The database produces an index of legal entities that are publicly accessible and completely free to use. Each in the database is assigned its own unique 20-digit code that identifies it in its many business activity and transaction reporting systems.

LEI is a legal entity identification criterion adopted to increase the transparency of transactions within business organizations and territorial jurisdictions. Many believe that the last recession occurred in 2008.

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Do I need a LEI code?

The United States also regulates the need for LEIs in the finance, energy and mortgage industries. Hong Kong and Australia require the use of LEI codes for the reporting of parties during the sale and purchase of securities and OTC derivatives. In India, RBI Bank requests the same.

What information do I need to get my LEI number?

The information needed to obtain LEI can be easily obtained by any member of your organization, preferably an individual at the head office.

You need to know the following information:

Each LEI is a standard 20-digit alphanumeric code. However, not all 20 digits are random. The first four LEIs belong to the issuer or LoU. The next two are always zero, zero. The next twelve digits are unique legal entity identification codes, and the last two digits are checkmarks.

How long does it take to get LEI?

You can expect your LEI confirmation email within 24 hours (Monday to Friday) after your application is fully submitted.

Please note, if the information is missing, or the request is incorrect, this may result in a delay. The high volume of applications can also affect the LEI issuance timeline.

Some countries have automation, which means that legal entity identifiers are issued immediately.

How do I know when to renew my LEI number?

We'll send you a reminder 1 month prior to your annual legal entity identifier renewal date. We may process transactions automatically using your past record. Your bank may notify you that your LEI number is about to be renewed / lapsed.

What is LEI Transfer?

LEI transfer is the process of transferring a legal entity identifier (LEI) from one service provider to another. This allows the company to choose which service provider they want to use based on the quality of service, cost or other factors. If you have issued a LEI with another LEI service provider, you can transfer that LEI to LEI worldwide for free. If you want to renew an LEI that is currently owned by another LEI service provider, you must first transfer it.

What if my LED expires and I can't renew it?

Investment service providers and banks will often be asked for their clients' LEI numbers. If these LEI numbers are incorrect, they face penalties, or no trade.


LEI was created to help control peer risk by allowing parties to identify and link to financial transactions. It aims to make systemic risk measurement and monitoring easier and more cost-effective, as well as more cost-effective compliance with regulatory reporting requirements.

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