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How to write a thesis without plagiarism?

The thesis paper is the official indicator of what the student has been doing for a whole year. It is checked more thoroughly, according to all the rules. To get the highest score, you need to pay attention not only to the information but also to the uniqueness of the text.


What are plagiarism and text uniqueness?

When we pick up a book, we can confidently say that it is a unique work, which belongs to one author. Rewriting data from it without changes, we are plagiarizing. According to guidelines, more than 50% of the text should be original. How to check the coursework for plagiarism prompt program Grammarly or It is sufficient to copy the work and click on the button "uniqueness check". Within minutes the text will be analyzed. All non-unique places will be highlighted, and at the bottom will be listed sites with this data. Checking a thesis paper for plagiarism is a procedure that must be followed after writing each new section.

How to avoid plagiarism?

To write thesis papers without plagiarism, you need patience and attention to detail. You can cheat your teacher by rearranging words, but the software will figure out these machinations.

So you just need to follow the basic rules.

How can I turn plagiarism into unique text?

The question of how to write a thesis paper without plagiarism interests all students, and it is especially relevant when you need to make a completely new paper out of a ready-made one.

There are several useful tips.

The presence of plagiarism in a thesis paper is a guarantee of a low grade or dismissal from the defense. For the text to be of high quality, constantly check it in the programs. Highlighted fragments change. So, gradually you will write an excellent paper.

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