USPowucp USPS Tracking to and us9514961195221 Scam Text

USPowucp  USPS Tracking to and us9514961195221 Scam Text

The fake USPS text message below with a link to and tracking number us9514961195221 is a scam being sent by online scammers. Therefore, recipients are asked not to click the link in the fake text message, they should just delete it. The link goes to the fake and phishing USPS website,, which steals account credentials, personal, and financial information.

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The USPowucp USPS Tracking Scam Text

Tracking Number: US9514961195221. Status : We have issues with your shipping address. USPS Allows you to Redeliver your package to your address in case of ...

If you have received the USPowucp USPS text scam with a link to, please share it in a comment. Include the telephone number the text came from. This will help inform others, which will prevent them from becoming victims.

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Jun. 3, 2022 at 5:14 PM by
USPowucp USPS Tracking to and us9514961195221 Scam Text
an anonymous user from: Burlington County, Southampton Township, New Jersey, United States

I got a text from 929-688-0475 asking me to update my shipping address on, it asks for credit card info, stating that because delivery failed, redelivery costs $3. It also gave a fake tracking number, which is how I realized it was a scam.


May. 26, 2022 at 5:05 PM by
USPowucp USPS Tracking to and us9514961195221 Scam Text
an anonymous user from: Sharon Heights, Columbus, Ohio, United States

I received a text from 786-678-1483 asking me to update my shipping address. The link goes to


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USPowucp USPS Tracking to and us9514961195221 Scam Text