Acsalert Scam and Spam Messages Linked to

Acsalert Scam and Spam Messages Linked to

Scammers and spammers are sending scam and spam messages like the one below to potential victims with a link to The messages ask potential victims to click the links in them to earn money, but the links only go to spam, fake, phishing and malicious websites that trick visitors into buying unwanted goods or services, or steal their personal and financial information.

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An Acsalert Scam Message

20 minutes a day. Earn £ 100-500 easily. You can work at your leisure. Contact me by clicking on the link

Add WhatsApp : https: //

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May. 30, 2022 at 8:56 AM by
Acsalert Scam and Spam Messages Linked to
an anonymous user from: Manama, Bahrain

* *

أهلاً! لقد تم اختيارك للعمل بدوام جزئي / بدوام كامل. الراتب اليومي 50-200 يورو ، إذا كنت ترغب في العثور على وظيفة ، يرجى النقر فوق WhatsApp أدناه:

They are also targeting in Bahrain expat from india they send the whatsapp message in Arabic


May. 29, 2022 at 5:22 PM by
Acsalert Scam and Spam Messages Linked to
an anonymous user from: Vienna, Vienna, Austria

They are also targeting Austrians (the German is shockingly well written):


Hallo, Sie wurden in Teilzeit/Vollzeit mit einem Tagesgehalt von 80-500 Euro ausgewählt. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, klicken Sie bitte auf den Link, um unserem Stellenangebot zuzustimmen:


May. 23, 2022 at 8:20 AM by
Acsalert Scam and Spam Messages Linked to
an anonymous user from: Centro, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Olá, ou o gerente geral do projeto Mercado Livre e atualmente estou contratando uma equipe de meio período trabalhando em casa. Não há requisitos de horas de trabalho, os salários serão liquidados no mesmo dia

Salário diário: 50-2000

Clique no link abaixo para consultar o atendimento ao cliente online


Hello, or the general manager of the Mercado Livre project and I am currently hiring a part-time team working from home. No working hours requirements, wages will be settled on the same day

Daily salary: 50-2000

Click the link below to consult online customer service



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Acsalert Scam and Spam Messages Linked to