Bendigo Alert Scam Text - E-Banking has been Suspended

Bendigo Alert Scam Text - E-Banking has been Suspended

Recipients of the Bendigo alert scam text below, which claims access to their e-banking has been suspended, are asked not to click the link in it. This is because the link in the fraudlent Bendigo Bank text goes to a phishing website that steals account credentials, and personal and financial information.

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The Bendigo Bank Alert Scam Text

Bendigo Bank Alert Scam Text from +61 484 311 876

From: +61 484 311 876

Bendigo Bank: Your access to e-banking has been suspended. Please visit hxxps:// Thanks, Bendigo Bank Security

If you were tricked by the Bendigo alert scam text into clicking the link in it and attempted to sign in or submit your financial information on the phishing website you were taken to, please contact Bendigo Bank for help immediately.

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Jul 10, 2022 at 9:27 PM by
Bendigo Alert Scam Text - E-Banking has been Suspended
an anonymous user from: North Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

the text message came yesterday at 23.49 is it legitimate to say

my ac is blocked


Jul 10, 2022 at 9:40 PM by
Bendigo Alert Scam Text - E-Banking has been Suspended

It is a scam. Contact your bank directly.


Jul 10, 2022 at 9:23 PM by
Bendigo Alert Scam Text - E-Banking has been Suspended
an anonymous user from: North Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

why? as my account been blocked can you give me a reason I am expecting a lot of money to come into my account and it is not a scam is that the reason I can take proof to my local bank


Jun 3, 2022 at 1:08 AM by
Bendigo Alert Scam Text - E-Banking has been Suspended
an anonymous user from: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Gday although I do not have an account with Bendigo Bank I received a text on the 3rd of June stating that my new device had been registered for e-banking on the 3rd of June 2022, if this was not me I was to open the attached link -


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Bendigo Alert Scam Text - E-Banking has been Suspended