8448516313 Scam Calls or Text Messages - 844-851-6313 - 844 851 6313

8448516313 Scam Calls or Text Messages - 844-851-6313 - 844 851 6313

It seems scammers are calling or texting their potential victims from telephone number 8448516313, asking them to call the same number or other 844 area code telephone numbers. If you receive a call or text from 844 851 6313 or other 844 area code telephone numbers, please do not follow any instructions given, until the authenticity of the call or text can be verified.

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If you have received a call or text from 844-851-6313, please post the text or a transcript of the call in a comment below. This will help inform others.

I will update this alert as I get more information.

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8448516313 Scam Calls or Text Messages - 844-851-6313 - 844 851 6313