Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403

Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403

The Evri Parcel Delivery text scam below, which claims the recipients' parcel has a shipping fee, is being sent by online scammers. The aim of the scammers is to trick potential victims into clicking the link in the fake text message, which goes to the fake and phishing Evri website: evri-redelivery.com, which steals personal and financial information.

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The Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text

From: 07394194403, 447568963015

Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text

Evri: Your parcel has a 1.45 shipping fee, to pay this now visit: hxxps://evri-redelivery.com. Failure will result in your parcel being

The website then attempts to trick visitors into submitting their personal and financial information. But, if the requested information is submitted, it will be used fraudulently by scammers. Therefore, if you were tricked into visiting the phishing website and have submitted financial information to it, please contact your bank.

If you have received a "Evri Parcel Delivery" text scam, please share it in a comment below. Include the telephone number it came from. This will help inform others and prevent them from becoming victims.

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Aug 28, 2024 at 1:02 PM by
Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

07857322027 EVRI: Our driver didn’t get a response at your door today. Your parcel is now back at the sorting depot and can be rescheduled via hxxps://ev.ri-2a7492gb.com


Dec 4, 2023 at 1:18 AM by
Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

44 7359785224


Oct 22, 2023 at 6:03 PM by
Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403
an anonymous user from: Reading, England, United Kingdom

Just received a scam message from 447915009217 asking me to pay £1.99


Sep 21, 2023 at 12:53 PM by
Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

I’ve had one wanting £1.99. No it came from 07935 494705


Sep 13, 2023 at 12:48 AM by
Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

I have received an email asking for shipping fee


Sep 13, 2023 at 10:43 AM by
Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403
an anonymous user from: Brighton, England, United Kingdom

I found this advice on the EVRI website and have reported the phishing/scam email to them as advised: https://www.evri.com/cyber-security

How to report scam messages and calls and get support

If you’ve received a suspicious phone call, text message, interaction via social media or email, you should report it. Even if you spotted it and didn’t give them any information, it could reduce the amount of scam communications you receive and help protect others from cyber crime online.

Does it mention Evri? Please be aware we cannot prevent you receiving fraudulent messages, but we can help to deal with them when reported.

a) If the suspicious email mentions Evri, please report it to us at phishing@evri.com. Whilst we will not reply to you directly, we will work with our partners to investigate and take down any associated fraudulent websites.

b) Similarly, if a suspicious text message mentions Evri, please take a screenshot/photo and send it to us at phishing@evri.com.

c) If your query is about data privacy and our use of your data, you can submit this here.

d) If your query is about a parcel you have sent or are due to receive/have received from Evri, please refer to the FAQs.

If you have received other emails you think are scams, forward them to report@phishing.gov.uk

Report a text message you think is a scam (smishing) by forwarding it to 7726 (it’s free).

For malicious calls and if you’ve been the victim of any fraud, report it to ActionFraud on https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/

If you have provided your bank details, we recommend that you contact your bank straight away and advise them you were a potential victim of fraud

If you've been the victim of crime, you can also contact the charity Victim Support for free, who are available for confidential support and information on https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/

To help protect yourself online, use your usual search engine to visit NCSC and Getsafeonline


Sep 13, 2023 at 10:32 AM by
Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403
an anonymous user from: Brighton, England, United Kingdom

So have I yesterday (12th). Email is purporting to be from Evri-Ship, email address evri@evri-hub.com Emails says: HI Your parcel has an unpaid shipping fee.


Sep 3, 2023 at 11:54 PM by
Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403
an anonymous user from: Reading, England, United Kingdom

EVRI scam new number 44 7403 936999 — Our EVRI driver ADAM was unable to find a safe place to leave your order. Please follow the link to resolve this matter: hoops://evri-redeliver-parcel.com/book


Sep 3, 2023 at 4:18 PM by
Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403
an anonymous user from: Salford, England, United Kingdom

Our EVRI driver ADAM was unable to find a safe place to leave your order. Please follow the link to resolve this matter: hoops://evri-redeliver-parcel.com/book


Sep 1, 2023 at 11:39 PM by
Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403
an anonymous user from: Tilbury, England, United Kingdom

Early morning scam from 44 7475 079778 Our EVRI driver ADAM was unable to find a safe place to leave your order. Please follow the link to resolve this matter: hoops://evri-redeliver-parcel.com/book


Aug 30, 2023 at 4:39 AM by
Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403
an anonymous user from: Rome, Latium, Italy

Received from 447472741897, “EVRI driver unable to find a safe place to leave your order” (we live in Italy so no surprises there) “Please follow the link to resolve the matter: hoops://evri-redeliver-parcel.com/book”. Follow this at your own risk!


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Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text from 07394194403