It appears scammers are calling Citibank customers claiming they need to call 844-292-2727 to verify activities on their cards. Below is a transcript of a call I received. If you receive calls or text messages, which claim to be from Citi, requesting that you call them a certain telephone number, please do not. Call the telephone number on the back of your card instead. This way, you know exactly who you are calling.
The Citi Fraud Alert Scam Call Transcript
This is the Citi card fraud department, calling for [fullname]. Press one to continue in English. This is the citicard's fraud department with an important message for [fullname]. We need to verify some recent activity on your citi premier card ending in [last 4 digits of CC] to verify this activity, please sign onto the city mobile app or at If you prefer, you can call us back toll free at 844-292-2727 or t T Y 711...