1-855-225-4830 eBay Confirmation Scam Email - 8552254830

1-855-225-4830 eBay Confirmation Scam Email - 8552254830

1-855-225-4830 is a fake eBay customer service telephone number. Therefore, recipients of the fake eBay confirmation email below, which claims their order is ready to be shipped, are asked to delete it. This is because the fake email is being sent by scammers who are attempting to trick their potential victims into calling them at 1-855-225-4830. If contacted, the scammers will pretend to be from eBay and will attempt to trick the caller into disclosing their account credentials, personal and financial information.

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The 1-855-225-4830 eBay Confirmation Scam Email

Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2022 12:53 PM

Subject: We have received your new order id : AYID-2864-UENX.

Dear Customer

This is just a quick information mail from the eBay confirmation team.

We are happy to inform you that your order has been ready to ship and will be delivered at your place within 3 days.

Your item has been successfully listed on eBay.

It may take some time for the item to appear on eBay search results.

Product name – Samsung full ultra HD led.

Total amount - $ 1838.32

Paid price – $ 889.92

Due price – $ 941.90

Date of order – March 24rd 2022

Order id – AYID-2864-UENX.

Once you have received this message and payment confirmation this pending fund will be deducted from the buyer’s account and are in check.

If you have any concern regarding payment go to our company Toll-free number mentioned below. +1(855)2254-830.


If you were tricked into calling 18552254830 and have disclosed your account credentials to the scammers, please change your password and report any unauthorized transaction in your account to eBay. And, if you were tricked into disclosing your financia information, please contact your bank for help.

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1-855-225-4830 eBay Confirmation Scam Email - 8552254830