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6 Steps To Choosing a Domain Name That Drives Traffic

To create a profitable business website, it is essential to choose a memorable name that reflects your brand and vision. With millions of other businesses battling for customers' attention, it's important to carefully think about your brand's URL.

Having a catchy URL will help your business rise in the search engine rankings and attract people who are looking for services like yours. It also lets you save plenty of time by avoiding the need to transfer domain name.

In this article, we will explain how to choose a domain title for your web address. To pick a domain name that will attract site traffic, here are the six steps you should follow.

#1. Use Names Associated With Your Brand

The importance of branding cannot be overstated. Having a recognizable name is a great way to instantly explain what you do. Having an exact domain name is vital if you want your visitors to recognize what products you're selling and what services you're offering.

Your web name should be linked to your social media usernames as well. Your customers will identify you wherever they find you online thanks to this.

#2. Insert Relevant Keywords

Yes, keywords are still necessary in 2022!

Keywords are the terms and phrases that prospective buyers typically use to find your products or services on a search engine. Therefore, it's important that your custom name includes keywords that accurately reflect the nature of your business or the services you provide. You'll see a boost in traffic to your site because the brand name will be at the top of the search engine results.

For instance, you may want to select words like "home," "supplies," and "tools" if you're selling home goods online.

Avoid choosing keywords that are difficult to remember: if potential customers can't say them correctly, they'll likely have a tough time entering them into the search engine. Avoid using slang terms in your name because they can make it more difficult for people to find you. Choose a website name without digits or hyphens, as well. All these things divert traffic from your website.

#3. Use Easy-to-Understand Criteria

Once you've narrowed down your list, you're ready to move on to the next stage in the picking a name process. The decision-making process can be sped up, though, by employing a few basic criteria.

If you want the best results, you'll want to choose a name that is:

#4. Pick the Correct Extension

It's also vital to pay attention to the Top-Level Domain (TLD ). It refers to the part at the end: .com, .org, .net, and so on. As .com is what most people expect and is easy to recollect, it is the ideal option for most web addresses.

However, extensions for domain names are becoming increasingly hard to come by. Therefore, many people have adapted to using different extensions instead. In the end, the litmus test for an extension to boost traffic for your site will depend on how closely your domain name corresponds to other parameters such as brandable, memorable, and typable. In other words, go forward and purchase the name you want, even if it doesn't end in a .com.

#5. Make Sure the Domain Name You Choose Is Original

When choosing a name, be sure the one you're considering isn't already taken before wasting time and money on fighting a legal dispute. Although some scandals can attract occasional visitors to your website, they'll ruin your business reputation, which is a more valuable asset.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office's website can be used to see if a website is already registered for use in the United States. By doing this, you'll be able to use the name you've chosen without any restrictions.

With regards to copyrights, if your webpage is going to function outside of the USA now or in the foreseeable future, you should familiarize yourself with national copyright legislation as well.

Consumer confusion is another factor to consider when evaluating names for your domain. If your domain name is easily confused with the name of a rival company's website, you may find yourself in a losing dispute. Although it may increase site traffic in the short term, you will lose customers in the long run.

#6. Register Your Name Immediately

As stated earlier, a good domain name is critical in increasing the number of visitors to your website. Hence, purchasing it right away from an established provider will provide you with an advantage over your rivals. The cost will vary and is influenced by the type of extension and the name availability. However, consider the cost as an investment in your website's digital visibility.


Implement the steps mentioned above to select a name that successfully represents your venture, establishes a solid and trustworthy online footprint, and drives traffic to your webpage.

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