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The Philo TV Scam Email Subscription

The Philo TV scam email subscription below is being sent to potential victims. The aim of the scam email is to trick recipients into believing they have been charged and give them a fake Philo TV customer support telephone number to call. Calling the telephone number will connect potential victims to the scammers who will instruct them to give them access to their computers, disclose their account credentials, personal and financial information.


The Philo TV Scam Email Subscription

Good Afternoon [name removed], Please be aware that your payment is due.

Your Philo TV subscription will be active in 24 hours! After that you will be able to login to your Philo account with an email that you have mentioned during the registration process, and get a full access to your Philo TV.

There is nothing you have to do in order to stay with Philo! The payment for this invoice will be taken off from the account that you mentioned automatically..

We are thankful you decided to prolong with Philo.

In case you have any problems regarding your subscription please check the invoice below. There we got all the details about your subscription and our customer care phone number.

After any free trial(s), you will be charged the mentioned amount plus taxes on a recurring monthly basis. If you do not cancel during the free trial period, you will be charged. Your subscription will continue until you terminate it.


Philo group



If you were tricked into disclosing your financial information by the Philo TV scam, please get in touch with your bank for help. If you have given the scammers access to your computer, disconnect it from the internet and have a tech-savvy or professional check your computer for spyware or other malware that can steal your information.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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